Signal to Noise – first animated sequences
I started rendering a couple of scenes from my latest personal project Signal To Noise (the title may change). For this part, I also used a bit of C4D MoGraph and x-Particles.
I started rendering a couple of scenes from my latest personal project Signal To Noise (the title may change). For this part, I also used a bit of C4D MoGraph and x-Particles.
After a short break, I’m now back on this side project. Here are some stills from the new shots I’m working on.
This started as a hard-surface exercise and it’s turning into an animation piece. Modeled in Blender with Fluent add-on. Rendered in Cycles. Compositing done in Fusion with a final CC in Resolve. Also, quite pleased …
Archillect is a great source of references. A while back I saw this picture and I wanted to see how close I could get lighting-wise. It turned out to be an opportunity to start practicing …
I wanted to do a quick test of exporting X-Particles trails to Blender just to see how that would work.
Early WIP for a personal project. Blender 3D, Blackmagicdesign Fusion, Affinity Photo
Doing more hard-surface modeling. This time, I used Fluent add-on. Below, the 3D model with two different light-setups / color schemes.
I started doing some hard-surface modeling lately and it’s quite fun. I’m using Blender 3d in conjunction with add-ons like ICE-Tools, Cuber, HardOps, Mesh Machine. Also, Eevee’s viewport is a huge boost to the workflow. …