Phoenixart's blog


Phoenixart's blog

SI: little steps forward

Another little test playing with Softimage and Final Gather. Playing with this lighting stuff in Mental Ray is *so* different!

My feeling is that at the beginning one is gonna spend a bit more time to figure out how to get the proper parameters that play well with the scene (still fighting with FG settings.) But is a time well spent as it then gets easier to get more convincing results.

This image is a bit Soft

So, what’s the deal? Well, I’m trying to overcome the first obstacle as I’m thinking I want seriously study Softimage (formerly known as XSI.)
Really, this is a great package. Of course, I still use Blender and C4D with their and my limitations. In fact, I prefer C4D when it comes to dropping quick mograph stuff, yet Blender is my preferred weapon of choice when it comes to model, prep quick scene setup (still so fast about lighting) but not much about motion graphics.
Right, there is no perfect tool. Nonetheless, it’s the artist, not the tool, even though I find the latter not exhaustive (let’s try to paint an oil portrait with charcoal.)
So, why Softimage?

Yeah, I know: the lighting isn’t accurate, the buildings need an acceptable cutout, and so on…

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Reboot, first new post

In the past few months, I’ve got a bunch of hacking attacks on my website, as well as on my blog.
It’s been tough as my domain appeared as malware on Google. On top of that, both Firefox and Chrome displayed a malware page that warned the user about some possible risks proceeding to my website. By the way, I find both Chrome warning page and Firefox warning page a bit scary for the user. If we consider that the link to ignore the warning isn’t the most obvious button to click, it’s clear that this issue has serious consequences for one’s business.Read more“Reboot, first new post”